Team New Age is an American based esports and lifestyle organisation founded in 2020. With a team
of extraordinary individuals, they strive to transcend the world of conventional esports. TNA's primary focus lies
within the Fortnite community, whether that by content or competitive Team New Age are one of the powerhouses
of the Fortnite community shown through their 5 FNCS titles.
Colour Scheme
With the Team New Age's colour scheme including gold, white and black I really felt like it was necessary
to make the otherwise flat gold colour look metalic by using a gradient with the overlay blend mode. In addition
to this it also shows off the luxury and elegance within the TNA brand.
Brand Identity
With this new Team New Age branding I aimed to make a more professional and elegant look
this is achieved through the gold, metallic look. I also aimed to add an extra meaning to the logo
by adding 5 stars, one for each FNCS the team has won.
Special thanks to the people who directly or indirectly helped with this project.
Creative Development - SenturyUK
Infomation - FrenchieMGMT
Made within Adobe Software's
All rights reservered - SenturyUK